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The Piano (1993)
Directed and Written by Jane Campion.


A mute woman along with her young daughter, and her prized piano, are sent to 1850s New Zealand for an arranged marriage to a wealthy landowner, and she's soon lusted after by a local worker on the plantation.

Main Characters:

  1. ADA - (hero)
  2. FLORA - (ally)
  3. GEORGE - (ally, goddess)
  4. ALISDAIR - (enemy)

Milestones (FIRST ACT):

  1. Call for Adventure: Ada and her daughter Flora are going on a trip to New Zealand where lives the man she was promised to marry.

Milestones (SECOND ACT):

  1. Making Enemy: Ada is forced to leave her piano behind, on the beach.
  2. Set of Trials: Ada and Flora find a way to go back to the beach and play the piano.
  3. Making Ally: George help them to get to the beach.
  4. Set of Trials: Alisdar forces Ada to teach George how to play the piano.
  5. Crossing the Second Threshold: Ada visits George as ordered to play the piano. George offers her a deal.
  6. Set of Trials: Each time Ada goes to George's house she must undo her dress. One day George offers her ten keys for having sex with her. Flora sees everything.
  7. Belly of the Whale: Ada gets the piano. Alisdar is suspicious. Ada starts feeling blue for not being able to see George again.
  8. Love in the Underworld: Ada visits George and they make love once more. This time with no payment. Alisdar watches through a hole on the wall.
  9. Approaching The Inmost Cave: Ada is chased by Alisdar into the woods. Ada asks Flora to give a message to George. Flora hands it to Alisdar instead.
  10. The Ultimate Boon: Alisdar attacks Ada and cuts her fingers.
  11. Resurrection and Elixir: Ada is sent away with George. On the boat she decides to throw the piano in the water. She purposely leaves her foot among the rope so she was taken with the piano.

Milestones (THIRD ACT):

  1. Freedom to Live: Ada gets rid of her boot and rope. She swims back to the surface and is rescued. She becomes a piano teacher and got a metal finger tip. Sometimes she images herself dead over the piano inside the sea.
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